TOEIC practice questions.

TOEIC – Let’s try a few practice question.

For this session, any words that you see in RED are words you would hear on a recording in the real test. Any words you see in BLUE are words you would read in your test booklet.

Remember, make sure to read the explanatory answers for each example, even if you answer a question correctly. Explanatory answers identify wrong answers and reasons why an answer is correct or not.

Part 1 Listening
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TOEIC Practice – Part 1: Photographs

Part 1: Photographs

In Part 1 of the TOEIC you will look at ten photographs. For each photograph you will hear four statements. You will have to choose which statement has the best description of the picture.

Example 1:

First you will look at a photograph:

Next you will listen to four statements. Choose the one that best describes what you see in the picture.

Explanation 1:

  • Choice A is incorrect because the glasses are on the table. Placement of objects is a common distractor in Part I.
  • Choice B is incorrect because the note is on the monitor not the keyboard.
  • Choice D is incorrect because the lamp is beside the computer. Prepositions are very common distractors found in Part I.
    Make sure to review your prepositions of location for your test.

The correct answer is C.


A) The woman is wearing glasses.
B) There is a note on the keyboard.
C) The woman is facing the monitor.
D) There is a lamp above the computer.

TOEIC Practice – Part 2: Question-Response

TOEIC Practice – Part 2: Question-Response

In Part 2 of the TOEIC you will be tested on your ability to respond to a question. It is very important that you can understand and identify wh-questions. You will listen to three possible responses. Only one of the responses is correct.

Example 1:

First you will hear a question. Then you will hear three answer choices.

Explanation 1:

  • Choice A has a distractor called a related word. When you hear the words, “how many” your brain automatically looks for a response with a number in it. This is an error that the test maker expects you to make. Also, the response is in the past tense, but the question asks about the future.
  • Choice B is a distractor called a repeated word. The word “coming” is in the question but the answer B does not make sense.This is another common error that the test maker expects you to make.

The correct answer choice is C.


How many people are coming to the conference?

A) There were 70 people there.
B) I don’t think she is coming.
C) At least 150 people.

TOEIC Practice – Part 3: Short Conversations

TOEIC Practice – Part 3: Short Conversations

In this part of the test you will listen to a short conversation between a man and a woman. After the conversation, you will answer three questions about the dialogue. There will be four possible answers for each question. Typical questions include, who, what, where, when, why, and how. You may also be asked to make an inference.

Example 1:

First you will hear a short conversation:

Next you will read three questions with four possible answers:

1. What are the man and woman mainly discussing?

A) A vacation
B) A budget
C) A company policy
D) A conference

2. How is the woman traveling?

A) By plane
B) By bus
C) By taxi
D) By car

3. Why aren’t the man and woman going together?

A) The woman needs to arrive earlier.
B) The man has to work overtime.
C) The woman dislikes air travel.
D) The man has to go to the bank first.

Explanation 1:

  • Choice A is mentioned, but the man is asking if she needs to take a “vacation day”. In Part III there is often one or two choices that are mentioned but are not correct.
  • Choice B is related to saving money for the company, but this is not the main topic of the conversation. Be careful with main subject questions, because incorrect choices may be small details from the conversation.
  • Choice C repeats the word “company,” but no policy is mentioned. In Part III there is often one choice that includes a word from the conversation. You may have heard the word, but it is not the correct choice.

The correct answer is D.

Explanation 2:

  • Choice A is how the man is getting to the conference. In Part III there is often one or two choices that are mentioned but are not correct.
  • Choice C is how the man is getting to the airport. “Taxi” is mentioned but is not correct.
  • Choice D is not mentioned. In Part III there is often one choice that is not mentioned at all.

The correct answer is B.

Explanation 3:

  • Choice A confuses the idea of “leaving earlier” and “arriving earlier”.
  • Choice B repeats the word “overtime”, but it was the woman who did overtime last week.
  • Choice D uses the homonym bank, but in this conversation the term “bank” means to store up for later use, not a financial institution. In Part III there are often homonyms as distractors.

The correct answer is C.


Man: Do you want to share a taxi to the airport? We can save on expenses that way, and as you know the company is trying to cut costs.
Woman: Actually I’m not flying. I’m going to the conference by bus. I have to leave tomorrow because it’s going to take two days to get there.
Man: That’s right. I forgot that you are afraid of flying. Are you taking a vacation day tomorrow?
Woman: Well, I worked some overtime last week, so I just banked it instead of wasting a holiday day.

TOEIC Practice – Part 4: Short Talks

TOEIC Practice – Part 4: Short Talks

In Part 4 you will listen to a short talk. It might be an announcement, a radio advertisement, or a telephone recording. You will listen to the talk and read a few questions about it.

Example 1:

First you will hear a short talk:

Next you will read a few questions with four answer choices:

1. What should the passengers do before exiting the ship?

A) Welcome the visitors
B) Check the time
C) Collect their personal items
D) Take a picture

2. What does the speaker imply?

A) The water was rough.
B) The weather was poor yesterday.
C) The tour went faster than usual.
D) There is only one way to exit.

3. What will happen in five minutes?

A) The ship will arrive at the dock.
B) The passengers will go shopping.
C) The passengers will take photos of the ship.
D) The market will open.

Explanation 1:

  • Choice A has the word “welcome”. This is a repeated word. This choice does not make sense because the visitors and passengers are the same people.
  • Choice B distracts you because of the association you automatically make between time and “five minutes”.
  • Choice D is the wrong choice for two reasons. Firstly, because they are going to have a picture taken (passive). Secondly, because this will happen after they get off the ship.

The correct answer is C.

Explanation 2:

  • Choice A is related to cruising on a ship, but is not mentioned.
  • Choice C is related to time. The recording mentions that there is “five minutes” until docking, but there is no indication that the ship is docking early.
  • Choice D is incorrect because the speaker suggests exiting to the right, implying that there is also an exit at the left.

The correct answer is B.

Explanation 3:

  • Choice B will happen, but not in five minutes. The time is confused.
  • Choice C confuses the passengers getting off the ship and taking photos of the ship.
  • Choice D repeats the word “market” but does not answer the question.

The correct answer is A.


Good morning ladies and gentleman. This is your tour guide speaking. I hope you have enjoyed the cruise of the inner harbour today. We certainly had a nice day for it, especially compared to yesterday. The ship will be docking in approximately five minutes. Once we are docked, please collect all of your belongings and exit the ship. As a reminder, our group will be exiting to the right. Follow the north ramp all the way to the far end of the platform. Before heading to the farmer’s market we will gather under the ferry terminal Welcome Sign for a group photo.

Part 2 Reading
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TOEIC Practice – Part 5: Incomplete Sentences

TOEIC Practice – Part 5: Incomplete Sentences

Part 5 marks the beginning of the reading skills section. In this section you will read a sentence that has one blank spot. There will be four choices of words or phrases to choose from. You will have to choose the one that you think completes the sentence. When the sentence is complete it must be grammatically correct.

Example 1:

First you will read a sentence with a blank.

Despite having four years of experience in software programming, Mr. Jones hadn’t used a word processing program __________.

Next you will read four choices. Choose the word or phrase that best fits into the blank.

A) prior
B) advanced
C) previous
D) before

Explanation 1:

  • Choices A is an adjective.(I have a prior engagement.)
  • Choice B is a verb.(I advanced the money to her.)
  • Choice C is an adjective.(That was my previous job.)

The correct answer is D. The sentence requires an adverb.

TOEIC Practice – Part 6: Text Completion

TOEIC Practice – Part 6: Text Completion

In Part 6 you will read four passages of text, such as an article, a letter, a form and an e-mail. In each reading passage there will be three blanks to fill in. You will read four possible choices for each blank. You should read the entire passage to make sure you choose the correct choice in context.

Example 1: Letter

Sid’s Stationery
2 Smythe St, Toronto, Canada M1B 5T6
Tel: (416) 295-1725

December 1st, 20–

Kerry Michaels
1 Stevens Rd.
Scarborough, Ontario, Canada M1E 4H7

Dear Ms. Michaels:

Holiday Sale

Seasons Greetings. As a _______ customer, we wanted you to be among the first to know about our upcoming holiday sale. All craft paper, specialty printer paper, and decorative envelopes will be reduced by 50% for the month of December.1.
(A) value
(B) valued
(C) valid
(D) validate

As per tradition at Sid’s Stationery, we will be having a Christmas raffle. This year the grand prize is a 2-night stay for two at the Meridian Inn _______ Toronto Island. The winner will receive a free double occupancy stay in the penthouse suite as well as a free dinner on the moonlit patio.2.
(A) through
(B) on
(C) over
(D) at

Money from ticket sales will be _______ to The Family Foundation, a local organization that provides food and clothing to those who need it most this Christmas.3.
(A) purchased
(B) donated
(C) funded
(D) collected

We look forward to seeing you this Christmas season.

Yours truly,

Sid and Sandy Chester

Explanation 1:

  • Choice A is a noun.
  • Choice C is an adjective that does not fit logically in context. This letter is from a stationery store, so anyone can purchase items there. Something that is “valid” is allowed or permitted.
  • Choice D is a verb.

The correct answer is B. An adjective is necessary. A “valued customer” is one who shops somewhere often.

Explanation 2:

  • Choice A is a preposition that indicates going from one end to another. (I went through a tunnel.)
  • Choice C is a preposition used when one is passing something to reach another thing. (I went over the bridge.)
  • Choice D is a preposition used with times or specific venues. (I went at ten o’clock. We met at the mall.)

The correct answer is B. The preposition “on” is used with geographic places such as “island” or mountain.

Explanation 3:

  • Choices A and C are incorrect because you can’t “purchase” or “fund” money.
  • Choice D is incorrect because “collected” is followed by the word “from” not “to”.

The correct answer is B. “Donated” is the correct passive verb form used to describe money or items given to a good cause.

TOEIC Practice – Part 7: Reading Comprehension

TOEIC Practice – Part 7: Reading Comprehension

In Part 7 you will read passages in the form of letters, ads, memos, faxes, schedules, etc. The reading section has a number of single passages and 4 double passages. You will be asked 2-4 questions about each single passage, and 5 questions for each double passage. Sometimes you will be asked for specific details. Other times you will be asked about what the passage implies. In the paired passages you will also be asked to make connections between the two related texts. On the real test you will not have time to read every word. You need to practice scanning and reading quickly for details.

Example 1: Memo


To: Supervisors
From: Judy Linquiest, Human Resource Manager
Sub: Probation periods

_ _ _ _ _ _ _

As of January 1st all new employees will be subject to a 3 month probationary period. Medical, holiday, and flextime benefits will not apply to new staff members until the full 3 months have expired.

After the three months have been completed, please contact your employees and inform them that their probationary period has ended.

The HR department will contact you by email 2 days in advance to remind you of the date. Thank you for your cooperation.

1. What is the main purpose of this memo?

A) To inform all employees of a new expiration date.
B) To put staff members on probation.
C) To introduce the HR department.
D) To inform supervisors of a change in policy.

Explanation 1:

  • Choice A is incorrect because the memo is only for supervisors and the subject is probationary periods.
  • Choice B is incorrect because it is only new employees that go on probation.
  • Choice C is who will send the notice to remind supervisors of the date.

The correct answer is D.

2. When does the change come into effect?

A) Today.
B) In 2 days.
C) In 3 months.
D) On January 1st.

Explanation 2:

  • Choice A is not mentioned.
  • Choice B confuses “2 days in advance” (which is when the supervisors will get their notice) with “in 2 days”.
  • Choice C is how long the probationary period is.

The correct answer is D.

Source: English-club-toeic-short-talks-1 by Tara Benwell 2015.