Things that happened for the first time in 2022.

Things that happened for the first time in 2022.

Duration: 50 minutes.

Let’s take a look at today’s lesson

This lesson looks at the past, in fact it looks at the year 2022. We will read some texts about some amazing things that happened for the first time.

Lesson Key: (L) = Listening (U) = Understanding. (R) = Reading.

Quick questions about 2022.

  1. Was last year a good year for you?
  2. What was your biggest achievement in 2022?
  3. What didn’t you like about 2022?
  4. If you could, what would you change about 2022?
  5. What are you looking forward to in 2023?
  6. What are you not looking forward to?

Task 1: Let’s take a quick look at some vocabulary from the text.

Word Meaning
refereeAn official who watches a game or match closely to ensure that the rules are followed.
declineTo gradually become less, worse, or lower.
rumblingsAn early indication or rumour of dissatisfaction or incipient change.
Chancellor of the ExchequerThe Chancellor of the Exchequer is the government’s chief financial minister.
embattled Someone with lots of problems or difficulties.
facilitiesA place or piece of equipment provided for a particular purpose.
upgradingTo raise (something) to a higher standard.
bloodstreamThe blood circulating through the body.

Task 2. Reading text:
Things that happened for the first time in 2022.

Microplastics are detected in human blood.

A study published in March in Environment International found microplastics in human blood. About half of the participants in the study had polyethylene terephthalate — a polymer used in water bottles and food packaging, among other everyday items — in their bloodstream. Scientists had previously established that people are exposed to microscopic particles of plastic through the food they eat, the water they drink and the air they breathe.

Women referee at men’s World Cup.

Stéphanie Frappart of France became the first woman lead referee at a men’s World Cup match when she officiated a game between Costa Rica and Germany in Qatar in December. This was also the first men’s World Cup game to have an all-woman referee team: Ms. Frappart’s assistants were Neuza Back of Brazil and Karen Diaz Medina of Mexico.

Catholics outnumber Protestants in Northern Ireland.

According to census numbers released in September, more Catholics live in Northern Ireland than Protestants for the first time since the creation of the United Kingdom territory more than a century ago. A shift that has prompted rumblings about a possible referendum on reunifying Ireland.

The first person of colour heads the British government.

Rishi Sunak was born in southern England to parents who emigrated from British colonial East Africa. His grandparents were from the Punjab region of India. In October, he made history as the first person of colour to become prime minister of Britain. He is also the first person of the Hindu faith to sit in that office — and may even be the first prime minister who comes to the job with more wealth than the British royal family. Mr. Sunak was the chancellor of the Exchequer under Boris Johnson. He replaced Liz Truss, the embattled prime minister who served only 44 days.

Expressions with the word ‘goal’ As it is the start of the year let’s set some goals.

To set a goal (to choose a goal and decide to start)
• I set a goal to pass the TOEIC English-language proficiency test.

To achieve a goal (to succeed in your goal)
• He achieved his goal of running a marathon.
• I really want to achieve my goals this year.

A realistic goal (a goal which is quite easy)
• You shouldn’t try to learn three languages this year. Set a more realistic goal!
• I think running twice a week is a realistic goal.

An unreasonable goal (a goal which is very difficult)
• She likes setting unreasonable goals.
• Making a million pounds in a month? That sounds like an unreasonable goal.

A clear goal (a goal that’s specific)
• She set a clear goal, which was ‘I want to go to the gym three times a week’.
• ‘I want to be happy’ is not a clear goal!

Photo by Choong Deng Xiang on Unsplash Source:
Photos by Naja Bertolt Jensen, Jeff W, Rhett Lewis, Jonathan Dick, OSFS & NASA on Unsplash
Photo 10 Downing Street.