Let’s talk about happiness!

The big question, what is happiness?

Duration: 50 minutes.

Let’s take a look at today’s lesson

In this lesson, we will talk about happiness, and learn some vocabulary that will help us express how we feel when we are happy.
So, what is happiness? It seems like an odd question, but is it?

Lesson Key: (L) = Listening (U) = Understanding. (R) = Reading.

Let’s warm up here with the dictionary’s definition.

First, let’s take a look at the definition of happiness so we’re all on the same page. Oxford English Dictionary’s definition of “happiness” is a simple one: “The state of being happy.”

What is happiness? It seems like an odd question, but is it? Do you know how to define happiness? Do you think happiness is the same thing to you as it is to others? What’s the point of it all? Does it even make a difference in our lives? In fact, happiness does have a pretty important role in our lives, and it can have a huge impact on the way we live our lives.

Task 1: First, let’s watch this short video about happiness. What is happiness?

What is happiness and can you tell me?

  1. Can you define it?
  2. What moments in your day make you happy?
  3. When you make a person happy, how do you feel?
  4. What was the happiest time in your life so far?

Task 2: Let’s look some phrases used to talk about how you feel when you are happy.

PhraseExplanationExample Sentence
“I’m over the moon.”Expresses extreme happiness and excitement.“I got the job I’ve always wanted! I’m over the moon with happiness!”
“I’m on cloud nine.”Describes a state of euphoria and immense joy.“Winning the competition put me on cloud nine. I couldn’t stop smiling!”
“I’m thrilled to bits.”Conveys being extremely pleased and delighted.“Receiving the surprise gift made me thrilled to bits. It was so thoughtful!”
“I’m elated.”Indicates a feeling of intense happiness and delight.“She said ‘yes’ to my proposal! I’m absolutely elated!”
“I’m filled with joy.”Expresses being overwhelmed with happiness and contentment.“Seeing my family all together again filled me with joy. It was a special moment.”

Task 3: Drag and put the words into the blanks.

To help you, here are the eight words related to happiness, along with example sentences.

WordExample Sentence
Bliss“Walking along the beach brings me pure bliss.”
Contentment“After a long day, I find contentment in curling up with a good book.”
Delight“Tasting the delicious cake filled me with delight.”
Euphoria“Winning the championship filled me with euphoria and a sense of accomplishment.”
Gratification“Completing the marathon gave me a sense of gratification and happiness.”
Serenity“The peaceful garden provided a sense of serenity and happiness.”
Jubilation“The team’s victory was met with jubilation from the fans.”
Ecstasy“Watching the breathtaking sunset filled me with ecstasy.”

1: __________________ : Extreme happiness or joy.
2: __________________ : A state of satisfaction and happiness with one’s current situation.
3: __________________ : An intense feeling of happiness, excitement, or joy.
4: __________________ : A state of calmness, tranquillity, and inner peace that brings happiness.
5: __________________ : A feeling of great pleasure and happiness.
6: __________________ : A feeling of extreme joy, celebration, and happiness.
7: __________________ : An overwhelming feeling of happiness, pleasure, or excitement.
8: __________________ : The feeling of satisfaction and pleasure derived from achieving or fulfilling something.

Task 4: Discussion questions about happiness.

  1. Generally speaking, are you a happy person?
  2. What things or events make you happiest?
  3. Who is the happiest person you know? Do you know why they’re so happy?
  4. Were you happier as a child than as an adult? Why or why not?
  5. Do you think we can control our own happiness?
  6. Why are some people unhappy? (Try to think of various reasons.)
  7. People say that money can’t buy happiness. Do you agree or disagree?

Sample Answers to question 6.
Why not try writing an answer for me.

Simple English:
Some people are unhappy because they may be going through difficult times in their lives. They might be facing problems like health issues, financial struggles, or relationship problems. Unhappiness can also be caused by negative thoughts and feelings, such as loneliness, stress, or sadness.

Advanced English:
The reasons for unhappiness among individuals can vary due to the complex interplay of various factors. Some people experience unhappiness as a result of challenging life circumstances. These could include encountering health challenges, enduring financial hardships, or grappling with strained relationships.

Additionally, negative emotions and thought patterns can contribute to unhappiness. Feelings of loneliness, chronic stress, or persistent sadness can significantly impact one’s overall well-being. It is important to recognize that the causes of unhappiness are multifaceted and differ from person to person, making it crucial to approach each individual’s situation with empathy and understanding.

The two answers provided differ in terms of language complexity and depth of explanation.


The first answer, written in simple English, aims to provide a straightforward and easily understandable explanation. It uses shorter sentences and avoids complex vocabulary or intricate sentence structures. This answer breaks down the concept of unhappiness into simple terms, highlighting common reasons for people’s unhappiness, such as difficult life circumstances and negative thoughts or feelings. It is suitable for individuals who are still developing their English language skills and prefer a more accessible explanation.


On the other hand, the second answer, written in advanced English, employs a higher level of language complexity and provides a more detailed analysis. It incorporates longer sentences, more nuanced vocabulary, and intricate sentence structures to convey a deeper understanding of the topic. This answer emphasizes the multifaceted nature of unhappiness, addressing various factors that can contribute to an individual’s state of unhappiness. It is more suitable for individuals who have a stronger grasp of the English language and are seeking a more comprehensive explanation.

In summary, the simple English answer offers a concise and easily understandable explanation, while the advanced English answer delves deeper into the topic, providing a more complex and detailed analysis. The choice between the two answers depends on the English language proficiency and comprehension level of the person studying English as a second language.

Photo by Paulette Wooten on Unsplash