Let’s look back at 2023.

Let’s look back at 2023.

Duration: 50 minutes.

Let’s take a look at today’s lesson

This lesson looks at the past, in fact it looks at the year 2023. We will read some texts about some amazing things that happened last year.

Lesson Key: (L) = Listening (U) = Understanding. (R) = Reading.

Today, we’ll explore and some events that unfolded in 2023, impacting various aspects of our world.
Let’s start with some questions and I have given you some examples of answers with translations to help you.

Quick questions about 2023.

  1. What was a highlight or memorable experience for you from the past year?
  2. In terms of personal growth, what skill or attribute do you feel you developed the most last year?
  3. Can you recall a particular challenge you faced and overcame in the past year?
  4. Were there any subjects or topics that captured your interest last year?
  5. How did your approach to time management and organisation evolve over the course of the past year?
  6. Did you discover any new interests or passions that you didn’t have before the previous year?
  7. Reflecting on the past year, is there a specific achievement or accomplishment that stands out for you?
  8. How did you maintain a work-life balance and overall well-being throughout the year?
  9. Can you share a moment from the past year that made you feel proud or fulfilled?
What was a highlight or memorable experience for you from the past year?Qual foi o destaque ou experiência memorável para você no último ano?One highlight was a trip to Portugal where I explored new cultures and made lasting memories.Um destaque foi uma viagem a Portugal, onde explorei novas culturas e criei memórias duradouras.
In terms of personal growth, what skill or attribute do you feel you developed the most last year?Em termos de crescimento pessoal, qual habilidade ou atributo você acha que desenvolveu mais no ano passado?I believe I developed strong communication skills through various group projects and presentations.Acredito que desenvolvi habilidades de comunicação sólidas por meio de diversos projetos em grupo e apresentações.
Can you recall a particular challenge you faced and overcame in the past year?Você consegue lembrar de algum desafio específico que enfrentou e superou no último ano?Overcoming a challenging academic project taught me resilience and problem-solving skills.Superar um desafiador projeto acadêmico me ensinou resiliência e habilidades de resolução de problemas.
Were there any subjects or topics that captured your interest last year?Houve alguma disciplina ou tema que despertou seu interesse no ano passado?Environmental science captured my interest, leading me to explore related courses and activities.A ciência ambiental capturou meu interesse, levando-me a explorar cursos e atividades relacionadas.
How did your approach to time management and organisation evolve over the course of the past year?Como sua abordagem à gestão do tempo e organização evoluiu ao longo do último ano?I became more disciplined with time management, using planners and setting realistic goals.Tornei-me mais disciplinado na gestão do tempo, utilizando planners e estabelecendo metas realistas.
Did you discover any new interests or passions that you didn’t have before the previous year?Você descobriu novos interesses ou paixões que não tinha antes do ano passado?Yes, I discovered a passion for photography, dedicating time to learn and capture moments.Sim, descobri uma paixão pela fotografia, dedicando tempo para aprender e capturar momentos.
Reflecting on the past year, is there a specific achievement or accomplishment that stands out for you?Refletindo sobre o último ano, há alguma conquista ou realização específica que se destaca para você?Achieving a high-grade distinction in my final project was a significant accomplishment for me.Alcançar uma distinção de alta nota em meu projeto final foi uma conquista significativa para mim.
How did you maintain a work-life balance and overall well-being throughout the year?Como você manteve o equilíbrio entre trabalho e vida pessoal, assim como o bem-estar geral ao longo do ano?Balancing work and personal time involved setting boundaries and prioritising self-care activities.Equilibrar trabalho e tempo pessoal envolveu estabelecer limites e priorizar atividades de autocuidado.
Can you share a moment from the past year that made you feel proud or fulfilled?Você pode compartilhar um momento do último ano que o fez sentir-se orgulhoso ou realizado?Completing a volunteer project that positively impacted my community filled me with pride and fulfillment.Concluir um projeto voluntário que impactou positivamente minha comunidade me encheu de orgulho e realização.

Expressions about ‘goals’:

Language ChunkDefinitionExample of Use
Setting goalsThe process of defining specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound objectives.“In order to achieve success, it is crucial to spend time setting goals that align with your aspirations.”
Aspiring to greatnessExpressing a desire to achieve excellence or notable success in a particular area.“Individuals often find motivation by aspiring to greatness, pushing themselves to surpass their own expectations.”
Striving for excellenceThe continuous effort to achieve the highest standards of performance or quality.“Striving for excellence is a mindset that propels individuals to consistently improve and excel in their chosen pursuits.”
Goal-oriented mindsetHaving a mindset focused on the establishment and achievement of specific objectives.“A goal-oriented mindset helps individuals stay focused, maintain motivation, and overcome challenges on the path to success.”

Keywords from the reading text with Definitions:

DemographicRelating to the structure of populations, including factors such as age, race, sex, and economic status.
Dual-edgedHaving two opposing aspects or outcomes; referring to a situation with both positive and negative consequences.
SubsideTo become less intense, violent, or severe; to diminish or abate.
Foreign PolicyA government’s strategy in dealing with other nations, including diplomatic, economic, and military considerations.
Nuclear-PoweredReferring to systems or technologies that use nuclear reactions to generate power, such as nuclear-powered submarines in the context of the AUKUS deal.
ResurgenceA revival or comeback; the reappearance or renewed interest in something, as seen in the resurgence of vinyl records.
NostalgiaA sentimental longing or affection for the past; a wistful desire to return to or remember a former time, often associated with a fondness for historical artifacts like vinyl records.
ExponentiallyIn a manner characterized by rapid growth, often accelerating over time; experiencing an increase at an increasingly fast rate.
SignifyTo indicate or represent; to convey meaning or importance.
Digital FormatsElectronic or computerized representations of data, typically referring to music or media stored and transmitted in digital form, as opposed to physical formats like vinyl records.

Let’s look back at 2023.

  • India Surpasses China in Population: India achieved a historic milestone by surpassing China as the world’s most populous country.
    As of April 2023, India, with approximately 1.4 billion people, overtook China, marking a significant demographic shift. Factors contributing to India’s population growth include high birth rates and declining death rates.
  • Technological Advancements: In 2023, technologies such as Artificial Intelligence and robotics witnessed substantial progress. The implications of this progress are dual-edged, with AI potentially replacing jobs but also offering solutions to improve daily life.
  • US Banking Crisis: The US faced a banking crisis resulting in the collapse of several regional banks. Influencing factors included the COVID-19 pandemic, the Russia-Ukraine War, and rising interest rates. Although the crisis eventually subsided, it had lasting effects on confidence in the financial system.
  • AUKUS Security Alliance: The US, UK, and Australia announced the AUKUS deal, forming a new security alliance in the Indo-Pacific region. Prompted by China’s growing military presence, the deal involves sharing nuclear-powered submarine technologies with Australia and signifies a shift in US foreign policy.
  • Vinyl Records Outsell CDs in the US: In a nostalgic resurgence, vinyl records outsold CDs in the US for the first time since 1987. Valued at approximately $1 billion in 2023, the vinyl record industry is experiencing significant growth, offering a unique listening experience that digital formats cannot replicate.

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