How to introduce yourself in an interview.

How to introduce yourself in an interview.

Duration: 1 HOUR.

In this lesson, you will learn.

We will learn how to make a great first impression on your interviewer.
Here are some tips and examples on how to introduce yourself.

Keep it simple and straight to the point.

Introducing yourself in an interview can be nerve-wracking, especially if you are a non-native speaker of English.

However, with a little bit of preparation, you can make a great first impression on your interviewer. Here are some tips and examples on how to introduce yourself in an interview, along with translations into Portuguese:

How to start to introduce yourself.

  1. Start with a greeting: Begin your introduction with a polite greeting such as “Good morning, afternoon or evening.”
    This shows that you are courteous and professional.
    Tip: Never say good night. We only say this to someone when they are about to go to sleep.

    Translation: Bom dia, tboa arde ou bom noite.
  1. State your name: After the greeting, introduce yourself by stating your full name. “My name is Carlos Nelson Coutinho.”

    Translation: Meu nome é Carlos Nelson Coutinho.
  1. Provide some background information: You can briefly mention your educational background, work experience, or relevant skills.
    Be concise and focus on the most important information.

    “I hold a Business Administration degree and have 5 years of work experience in a multinational organization. Additionally, I possess exceptional interpersonal abilities.”

    Translation: Sou formado em Administração de Empresas e possuo 5 anos de experiência profissional em uma organização multinacional. Além disso, possuo habilidades interpessoais excepcionais..
  1. Tell them briefly about your other qualifications.

    Always start your introduction with your most recent formal education experience. This will typically be your highest level of education, such as a university degree.

    “I have a degree in Business Administration.”

    This will demonstrate your knowledge and skills in the relevant field and make you a stronger candidate for the job.
    Don’t forget to describe any additional educational experience that may be relevant to the position. This could include certifications, endorsements, or other training programs that you have completed.
  1. Express your enthusiasm: Show your excitement and enthusiasm for the opportunity to interview for the position.
    This demonstrates that you are interested and motivated.

    “ I’m very excited about the opportunity to interview for this position.”

    Translation: Estou muito animado(a) em ter a oportunidade de entrevistar para esta posição.

Remember: Practice your introduction beforehand and adjust it according to the specific job and company you are interviewing for. Good luck!

Here are some examples of how to put these tips into practice:

Present yourself clearly and objectively.

Question: Can you please introduce yourself?

Greeting: Good morning.

Name: My name is Ana and…

Qualifications: … I have a degree in Business Administration.

Background information: I have seven years of experience working in sales and customer service.

Skills: I’m also proficient in Microsoft Office and have excellent communication skills.

Enthusiasm: I’m very excited about the opportunity to interview for this position.

Translation: Bom dia. Meu nome é Ana e tenho formação em Administração de Empresas. Tenho sete anos de experiência trabalhando em vendas e atendimento ao cliente. Também sou proficiente em Microsoft Office e possuo excelentes habilidades de comunicação. Estou muito animada com a oportunidade de entrevistar para esta posição.

Present yourself clearly and objectively.

Question: Can you please introduce yourself?

Greeting: Good afternoon.

Name: My name is Gregorio, and I am a Chartered accountant.

Qualifications: I have an accounting Degree from FIPECAFI in São Paulo, and I am fully CIMA (Chartered Institute of Management Accountants) qualified.

Background information: I have over 12 years of experience working as an Chartered accountant with global companies.

Skills: I’m also proficient in Microsoft Office and have excellent communication and soft skills.

Enthusiasm: I’m very excited about the opportunity to interview for this position on offer.

Translation: Boa tarde. Meu nome é Gregorio e sou contador. Sou formado em contabilidade pela FIPECAFI em São Paulo e sou qualificado pelo CIMA (Chartered Institute of Management Accountants). Tenho mais de 12 anos de experiência trabalhando como contador em empresas globais. Também sou proficiente em Microsoft Office e tenho excelente comunicação e habilidades interpessoais. Estou muito entusiasmado com a oportunidade de ser entrevistado para esta posição em oferta.

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