Countable and uncountable nouns 2.

Countable & Uncountable nouns part two.

Duration: 50 minutes.

Let’s take a look at today’s lesson

Lesson Goals: In this lesson, you will talk about Countable and Uncountable nouns.
Also, you will be familiar with important vocabulary about this subject.
Focus Vocabulary: Countable and Uncountable nouns.

Lesson Key: (V) = Vocabulary. (U) = Understanding. (R) = Reading.

Do you know how to distinguish between the usage of “a few,” “few,” “very little,” and “a bit of”?

Look at these examples to see how these quantifiers are used with countable and uncountable nouns.

  1. I have a few friends, so I’m not lonely. (lots)
  2. She has few friends, so she’s quite lonely. (little)
  3. We’ve got a bit of time before our train. Shall we get a coffee? (lots)
  4. We’ve got very little time before our train. Hurry up! (little)

Let’s examine the usage of “a few,” “few,” “very little,” and “a bit of” by reading this short story.

Once, there was a small village located in the heart of a great forest.

Photo Steven Kamenar on Unsplash

The villagers lived simple lives, relying on the forest for food, shelter, and livelihood. There were few of them, only a handful of families that lived in the village. Despite their small numbers, they were a close-knit community, and everyone helped each other in times of need.

One day, the village was hit by a severe drought, and the forest began to die. The villagers were worried because there was very little food left, and they feared that they would soon starve. They had a bit of food stored away, but it would not last for long.

Despite their desperate situation, the villagers did not give up hope. They knew that they needed to work together to find a solution.

They came up with a plan to search the surrounding area for food and water. A few of the strongest villagers set out on a journey to find help.

After many days of travelling, the few villagers finally came across a small stream that was still flowing with water. They quickly filled their containers and brought the water back to the village. With a bit of water, the villagers were able to grow a small garden, and their crops began to flourish once again.

The villagers learned a valuable lesson that day. They realized that despite their few numbers and very little resources, they could still make a difference by working together.

Grammar questions. Choose the correct option.

I have _____ questions.
a few
a bit of

Do you want _____ chocolate?
a few
a bit of

You made _____ mistakes. Well done!
a few

I have _____ money.
very little

_____ students understand this.
Very little

They have _____ rain in summer.
very little

It’s not easy. You will need _____ help.
a bit of
very little

Is it OK if I bring _____ friends?
a few

Grammar explanation

A few and a bit of or a little mean some. Often we feel this amount is enough or more than we expected. We use a few with plural nouns and a bit of or a little with uncountable nouns.

I have a few ideas.
I’ve brought a few friends.
There’s a bit of milk left.
It needs a little more work.

We use few and very little to show that we are talking about a small amount. Often we feel this amount is not enough or less than we expected. Few is for countable nouns and very little is for uncountable nouns.

Few people came to the meeting.
There are few places where you can still see these birds.
We have very little time.
I have very little money.

Note, that you can use little without very, but it is less common and sounds quite formal.

She had little water.

Questions. Choose the correct option.

We have _____ ideas.
a few
a bit of

There is _____ space in this room.
very little

Can you give that plant _____ water?
a few
a bit of

____ houses have central heating here.
Very little

The doctor told me to rest for _____ days.
a few

I have _____ information about this.
very little

It’s a difficult situation and _____ countries want to help.
very little

I’ll come later. I need to do _____ work first.
a few
a bit of

Photo by Mulyadi on Unsplash