Cardinal and Ordinal Numbers.

Today’s lesson:
Cardinal and Ordinal Numbers

Lesson Title

Mastery of Counting and Differentiation between Cardinal and Ordinal Numbers

Duration: 50 minutes
Level: Beginner & A1

Objetivos de Aprendizagem

  • Contar de 0 a 20 em inglês.
  • Diferenciar entre números cardinais (por exemplo, one, two, three) e ordinais (por exemplo, first, second, third).
  • Usar ambos os números cardinais e ordinais em frases.


The English language uses two main types of numbers: cardinal numbers, which indicate quantity, and ordinal numbers, which indicate order or position.

A língua inglesa utiliza dois principais tipos de números: números cardinais, que indicam quantidade, e números ordinais, que indicam ordem ou posição.


Aquecimento 15 minutos
Atividade Principal 20 minutos
Verificando o Entendimento 15 minutos
Tarefa Seminal 5 minutos

Warm up

Listen and repeat with me

Here are two super simple tips for learning numbers in English

  • Start Small. Let’s learn from numbers 1 to 10 first
  • One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine & ten
  • Go Up. Now you know 1-10, it’s easier to learn 11-20
  • Eleven, Twelve, Thirteen, Fourteen, Fifteen, Sixteen, Seventeen, Eighteen, Nineteen & Twenty

Main Task

Listen and repeat with me

Here are some super simple tips for learning ordinal numbers in English


Basics: Ordinal numbers tell position.

1 – First, 2 – Second, 3 – Third, 4 – Fourth, 5 – Fifth, 6 – Sixth, 7 – Seventh, 8 – Eighth, 9 – Ninth, 10 – Tenth

Pattern: From 4 to 20, just add “-th”.

Fourth (4th), fifth (5th)… twentieth (20th).

Exceptions: Some numbers are different.

One = First (1st). Two = Second (2nd). Three = Third (3rd).

Listen and repeat with me Ordinal Numbers

11st – first
22nd – second
33rd – third
44th – fourth
55th – fifth
66th – sixth
77th – seventh
88th – eighth
99th – ninth
1010th – tenth
1111th – eleventh
1212th – twelfth
1313th – thirteenth
1414th – fourteenth
1515th – fifteenth
1616th – sixteenth
1717th – seventeenth
1818th – eighteenth
1919th – nineteenth
2020th – twentieth

Agora é a sua vez de praticar!

Perguntas de múltipla escolha diferenciando entre números cardinais e ordinais.

Answer the following questions

Which of the following is a cardinal number?
a) First b) Fifth c) Seven d) Ninth

“Tenth” is an example of:
a) A cardinal number b) An ordinal number c) None d) Both

If I have “three” apples, the word “three” is:
a) An ordinal number b) A cardinal number c) Fruit d) A verb

The number used to represent position or order is called:
a) Cardinal b) Ordinal c) Sequence d) Placement

Which of the following is an ordinal number?
a) Ten b) Eleven c) Twelfth d) Hundred

How would you refer to the “9th” student in a line?
a) Cardinal nine b) Orderly nine c) Nine d) Ninth

“Six” is used to describe:
a) Order b) Quantity c) Both order and quantity d) None

  1. c) Seven
  2. b) An ordinal number
  3. b) A cardinal number
  4. b) Ordinal
  5. c) Twelfth
  6. d) Ninth
  7. b) Quantity

Weekly Task

What you need to do

Estudante, você precisa manter um diário por uma semana.
Todos os dias, você deve anotar algo que encontre relacionado a números, garantindo que use tanto as formas cardinais quanto ordinais.

For example

  • Monday: I saw 5 (cardinal) cats on my way to work.
    It was the 3rd (ordinal) time this week I’ve seen them.
  • Tuesday: I bought 2 (cardinal) apples from the store.
    It was the 1st (ordinal) thing I bought today.
  • Wednesday: I drank 2 (cardinal) cups of coffee.
    The 1st (ordinal) cup was in the morning.
  • Thursday: I walked 4 (cardinal) KM today.
  • Friday: I watched 7 (cardinal) episodes of a TV show.
    My favourite was the 5th (ordinal) episode.

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