Business – Active listening ‘shut up and listen’.

Active Listening, ‘Shut Up and Listen’.

Duration: 50 minutes.

Let’s take a look at today’s lesson

The lesson asks an important question, do you listen in meetings?
We will watch a video, and talk about this subject.

Lesson Key: (L) = Listening (U) = Understanding. (R) = Reading.

Quick questions about listening.

  1. Do you always listen first and then speak at meetings?
  2. Do you know people who don’t listen?
  3. Are you comfortable with silence?
  4. Have you ever wished, you had listened more?

Please watch this short video and afterwards we will talk about it.

Business English:
Active Listening, ‘Shut Up and Listen’.

In the world of business, effective communication is a key to success, and at the heart of this skill lies active listening. Active listening involves more than just hearing; it requires fully engaging with the speaker, understanding their message, and responding appropriately.

The phrase ‘shut up and listen’ may sound blunt, but it encapsulates the essence of active listening – a skill that can significantly impact your communication in the business realm.

Active listening goes beyond simply hearing words; it involves paying full attention to the speaker, picking up on nuances, and empathetically responding to the message conveyed.

In business English, where precision and understanding are vital, active listening becomes a valuable tool for building strong professional relationships.

Essential Keywords from the text.

KeywordMeaningExample of Use
Business EnglishLanguage used in professional and business contexts“Using proper business English is crucial in emails.”
Active ListeningFully engaging with and understanding the speaker“Active listening is essential in business negotiations.”
CommunicationThe exchange of information or ideas“Clear communication is key to successful collaboration.”
PrecisionAccuracy and exactness in language or action“In business, precision in communication is crucial.”
EmpatheticShowing an understanding and sharing the feelings of others“An empathetic response fosters a positive work environment.”
ResponseA reaction or answer to something“Your response to client queries should be prompt and clear.”
NuancesSubtle differences or shades of meaning“Understanding the nuances of language is important in negotiations.”
Professional RelationshipsConnections in a business or work setting“Building professional relationships is essential for career growth.”

Useful Tips on Active Listening:

  1. Give Your Full Attention:
    • Tip: When someone is speaking, focus on them without distractions.
    • Example: “During meetings, put away your phone and give your full attention to the speaker.”
  2. Practice Empathy:
    • Tip: Try to understand the speaker’s perspective and feelings.
    • Example: “Show empathy by acknowledging and understanding the challenges mentioned in a colleague’s presentation.”
  3. Avoid Interrupting:
    • Tip: Allow the speaker to finish before responding.
    • Example: “Avoid interrupting during discussions; let others express their thoughts completely.”
  4. Clarify and Confirm Understanding:
    • Tip: Seek clarification to ensure you accurately understand the message.
    • Example: “If something is unclear, ask questions to confirm your understanding before responding.”

Discussion Questions.

  1. Why is active listening important in business communication?
  2. What distinguishes active listening from simply hearing words?
  3. How does active listening contribute to building professional relationships?
  4. What role does precision play in business communication?
  5. Why is practicing empathy valuable in the business context?
  6. Why is it advisable to avoid interruptions when practicing active listening?
  7. How can seeking clarification enhance active listening in business conversations?
  8. Why should one give their full attention during business meetings?

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