Aprenda centenas de palavras em inglês em minutos.

Aprenda centenas de palavras em inglês em minutos.

Duration: 30 minutes.

Let’s take a look at today’s lesson

This lesson explores the theme of word connections, and how lots of words are similar in our languages. Example: “velocity” (velocidade) & “simplicity” (simplicidade).

Lesson Key: (U) = Understanding. (R) = Reading. (W) = Writing.

Aprenda uma ampla variedade de palavras em inglês em apenas alguns minutos. Essa abordagem se baseia no uso de palavras que já conhecemos em português e na modificação de partes delas para obter suas versões em inglês. Embora haja exceções, essas regras são aplicáveis a uma grande quantidade de palavras e certamente serão úteis para você.

Ao aprender palavras em inglês dessa maneira, você poderá expandir rapidamente o seu vocabulário e se comunicar de forma mais eficaz nesse idioma. Imagine a facilidade de compreender e utilizar termos como “velocity” (velocidade), “simplicity” (simplicidade) e “capacity” (capacidade) com confiança.

Essas regras simples permitem que você faça conexões entre o português e o inglês, facilitando o aprendizado e a memorização das palavras. Portanto, aproveite essa abordagem prática e comece a enriquecer o seu conhecimento de vocabulário em inglês agora mesmo. Em pouco tempo, você estará dominando centenas de palavras e construindo frases com fluência.

Só para lembrar, existam exceções, essas regras se aplicam a muitas palavras e certamente serão úteis.

“DADE” = “ITY”

Aqui estão 50 palavras terminadas em “DADE” e suas respectivas traduções em inglês, juntamente com um exemplo de uso em inglês:

Palavra em portuguêsPalavra em inglêsExemplo em inglês
VelocidadeVelocityThe velocity of the car was impressive.
SimplicidadeSimplicityI appreciate the simplicity of this design.
NaturalidadeNaturalityThe actress performed with great naturality.
CapacidadeCapacityThe stadium has a seating capacity of 50,000.
SociedadeSocietyWe need to work together to build a better society.
RaridadeRarityThis diamond is of great rarity and value.
HabilidadeAbilityHe has the ability to solve complex problems.
SeriedadeSeriousnessWe need to address this issue with utmost seriousness.
NecessidadeNecessityFood, water, and shelter are basic necessities of life.
DiversidadeDiversityOur company celebrates diversity in the workplace.
ComunidadeCommunityThe local community came together to support the event.
QualidadeQualityThis product is known for its high quality.
AtualidadeActualityThe journalist reported on the actuality of the situation.
AmizadeFriendshipThey developed a strong friendship over the years.
CidadeCityNew York City is known as “The Big Apple”.
QuantidadeQuantityWe need a large quantity of materials for the project.
HonestidadeHonestyHonesty is the best policy.
GravidadeGravityThe force of gravity keeps us grounded to the Earth.
AutoridadeAuthorityThe police officer has the authority to enforce the law.
EspecialidadeSpecialtyShe has a specialty in pediatric medicine.
ModernidadeModernityThis artwork reflects the modernity of the era.
OportunidadeOpportunityDon’t miss the opportunity to showcase your skills.
ResponsabilidadeResponsibilityAs an adult, you have a lot of responsibilities.
FacilidadeFacilityThe hotel offers a wide range of facilities for guests.
UniversidadeUniversityHe graduated from Harvard University.
FelicidadeHappinessFinding true happiness is the key to a fulfilling life.
QualidadeQualificationThe job applicant has the necessary qualifications for the position.
SolidariedadeSolidarityThe community showed solidarity with the victims of the natural disaster.
ProfundidadeDepthThe pool has a depth of ten feet.
EternidadeEternityLove is said to last for an eternity.
PrioridadePriorityYour health should be your top priority.
ComunidadeCommunityThe community center organizes various events for residents.
AgilidadeAgilityThe gymnast demonstrated incredible agility during her routine.
CuriosidadeCuriosityHis curiosity led him to explore new places and cultures.
VitalidadeVitalityRegular exercise is essential for maintaining vitality and good health.
IntensidadeIntensityThe intensity of the storm caused widespread damage.
AutoridadeAuthoritativenessThe book was written with great authoritativeness on the subject.
AtividadeActivityThe children engaged in various activities at the summer camp.
ValidadeValidityThe validity of the experiment was confirmed by multiple trials.
AtualidadeCurrentnessThe news website provides up-to-date currentness on global events.
RealidadeRealityThe reality of the situation finally sank in.
UnidadeUnityThe team demonstrated great unity during the championship game.
AmabilidadeAmiabilityHer amiability and kindness made her popular among her colleagues.
MobilidadeMobilityThe new transportation system improves mobility within the city.
InimizadeEnmityThe long-standing inimity between the two families led to frequent conflicts.
VeracidadeVeracityThe witness’s veracity was questioned during the cross-examination.
ModernidadeModernnessThe modernness of the building’s design is striking.
CredibilidadeCredibilityThe speaker’s credibility was enhanced by their extensive knowledge on the subject.
TranquilidadeTranquilityThe beach resort offers a peaceful atmosphere and tranquility.
HospitalidadeHospitalityThe hotel is renowned for its warm hospitality towards guests.
DisponibilidadeAvailabilityWe need to ensure the availability of resources for the project.

“ÇÃO” = “TION”

Aqui estão 50 palavras terminadas em “ÇÃO” e suas respectivas traduções em inglês, juntamente com um exemplo de uso em inglês:

Palavra em portuguêsPalavra em inglêsExemplo em inglês
ObservaçãoObservationThe scientist made a detailed observation of the specimen.
NaçãoNationThe country celebrates its independence as a sovereign nation.
SensaçãoSensationThe roller coaster ride gave her an exhilarating sensation.
NaturalizaçãoNaturalizationHe went through the process of naturalization to become a citizen of the United States.
DefiniçãoDefinitionThe dictionary provides a clear definition of the word.
EmoçãoEmotionShe couldn’t hide her emotions and burst into tears.
AdaptaçãoAdaptationThe movie is an adaptation of a popular novel.
AçãoActionThe superhero movie is packed with thrilling action sequences.
ComunicaçãoCommunicationEffective communication is essential in building strong relationships.
InvençãoInventionThe light bulb is one of the greatest inventions of all time.
OcupaçãoOccupationHis occupation as a doctor keeps him busy and fulfilled.
InstituiçãoInstitutionThe university is a prestigious educational institution.
ProduçãoProductionThe factory increased its production to meet the high demand.
ReaçãoReactionHis reaction to the news was one of surprise and disbelief.
ReduçãoReductionThe company implemented cost reduction measures to improve profitability.
TransformaçãoTransformationThe caterpillar undergoes a transformation and becomes a butterfly.
ReproduçãoReproductionThe reproductive system is responsible for the process of reproduction in living organisms.
SoluçãoSolutionThey worked together to find a solution to the complex problem.
ExceçãoExceptionThe rule applies to everyone, with a few exceptions.
IntroduçãoIntroductionThe professor gave an introduction to the topic before diving into the lecture.
AvaliaçãoEvaluationThe teacher conducted a thorough evaluation of the students’ performance.
PreocupaçãoPreoccupationHer preoccupation with work often leaves little time for relaxation.
ConstruçãoConstructionThe construction of the new building will begin next month.
DestruiçãoDestructionThe hurricane caused widespread destruction in the coastal area.
TradiçãoTraditionThe family has a tradition of gathering for a special meal on holidays.
IntençãoIntentionHis intention was to help, but his actions were misunderstood.
InspiraçãoInspirationThe beautiful scenery served as an inspiration for the artist.
ParticipaçãoParticipationActive participation in class discussions is encouraged.
InformaçãoInformationThe website provides accurate and up-to-date information.
ReuniãoMeetingThe team had a productive meeting to discuss the project.
ExploraçãoExplorationThe astronauts embarked on a mission of space exploration.
EleiçãoElectionThe citizens cast their votes in the presidential election.
InteraçãoInteractionThe teacher encouraged interaction among the students during group activities.
TradiçãoTraditionThe festival is a longstanding tradition in the community.
EvoluçãoEvolutionThe theory of evolution explains the development of life on Earth.
ExtinçãoExtinctionThe endangered species is at risk of extinction.
AquisiçãoAcquisitionThe company announced the acquisition of a rival business.
PromoçãoPromotionHe received a promotion at work for his outstanding performance.
CorrupçãoCorruptionThe investigation uncovered widespread corruption in the government.
FundaçãoFoundationThe foundation provides financial support to underprivileged children.
ComposiçãoCompositionThe composer’s latest piece is a beautiful composition for orchestra.
DiscussãoDiscussionThe panel engaged in a lively discussion on the topic.
CriaçãoCreationThe artist’s creation was met with critical acclaim.
CondiçãoConditionThe patient’s condition improved after receiving proper treatment.
ExpansãoExpansionThe company plans to expand its operations into new markets.
AtençãoAttentionPay attention to the details to avoid mistakes.
PreparaçãoPreparationThe chef spent hours in preparation for the grand banquet.
CombinaçãoCombinationThe recipe calls for a unique combination of flavors.
FormaçãoFormationThe college offers a wide range of degree programs for professional formation.
ContribuiçãoContributionHer research made a significant contribution to the field of medicine.
DecepçãoDeceptionThe magician’s trick left the audience in awe and deception.

“MENTE” = “LY”

Aqui estão 50 palavras terminadas em “MENTE” e suas respectivas traduções em inglês, juntamente com um exemplo de uso em inglês:

Palavra em portuguêsPalavra em inglêsExemplo em inglês
MagneticamenteMagneticallyThe compass needle points north because it is magnetically aligned.
NaturalmenteNaturallyCats naturally have a keen sense of balance.
OralmenteOrallyThe instructions were provided orally to the participants.
GramaticalmenteGrammaticallyThe sentence was grammatically incorrect and needed revision.
ConstantementeConstantlyShe is constantly checking her phone for messages.
InteligentementeIntelligentlyThe problem was solved intelligently by the team.
SimplesmenteSimplyHe simply couldn’t resist the temptation.
SeguramenteSurelyI will surely be there to support you at the event.
ProvavelmenteProbablyShe will probably arrive late due to traffic.
AtualmenteCurrentlyThe company is currently working on a new product.
RaramenteRarelyHe rarely goes out on weekends; he prefers staying at home.
AbsolutamenteAbsolutelyThe view from the top of the mountain was absolutely breathtaking.
CompletamenteCompletelyThe puzzle was completely solved within minutes.
ObviamenteObviouslyThe answer was obviously written on the board.
FinalmenteFinallyAfter hours of hard work, they finally completed the project.
TradicionalmenteTraditionallyThe ceremony is traditionally held on New Year’s Eve.
DiariamenteDailyShe practices yoga daily to maintain her flexibility.
MentalmenteMentallyShe prepared herself mentally for the upcoming exam.
RegularmenteRegularlyThey regularly attend the fitness classes at the gym.
AparentementeApparentlyThe cat apparently knocked over the vase.
EfetivamenteEffectivelyThe new marketing strategy effectively increased sales.
AutomaticamenteAutomaticallyThe system is designed to automatically update the software.
FisicamentePhysicallyHe felt physically exhausted after running the marathon.
SocialmenteSociallyThey interacted socially at the networking event.
EstrategicamenteStrategicallyThe company strategically expanded its operations into new markets.
ProvavelmenteLikelyIt will likely rain tomorrow, so remember to bring an umbrella.
SimultaneamenteSimultaneouslyThe two events will take place simultaneously in different locations.
TeoricamenteTheoreticallyTheoretically, the experiment should yield accurate results.
CulturalmenteCulturallyThey celebrated the festival in a culturally appropriate manner.
InevitavelmenteInevitablyWith their reckless behavior, they will inevitably face consequences.
OcasionalmenteOccasionallyShe only drinks coffee occasionally, not every day.
ClaramenteClearlyThe instructions were written clearly for everyone to understand.
ProgressivamenteProgressivelyThe patient’s condition improved progressively after the treatment.
LegalmenteLegallyThe contract was legally binding and enforceable.
FormalmenteFormallyThe guests were formally invited to the gala event.
TemporariamenteTemporarilyThe website is temporarily unavailable due to maintenance.
AmigavelmenteAmicablyDespite their differences, they resolved the issue amicably.
TecnologicamenteTechnologicallyThe advancements in technology have revolutionized the industry technologically.
ComercialmenteCommerciallyThe product was successfully launched commercially.
FinanceiramenteFinanciallyThey were struggling financially after losing their jobs.
VisualmenteVisuallyThe artist created a visually stunning masterpiece.
CientificamenteScientificallyThe experiment was conducted scientifically, following strict protocols.
HonradamenteHonestlyHe answered the question honestly, without any hesitation.
GeograficamenteGeographicallyThe region is geographically diverse, with mountains, rivers, and forests.
VerdadeiramenteTrulyShe was truly grateful for their support during difficult times.
SocialmenteSociallySocially responsible companies prioritize sustainability and community welfare.
CulturalmenteCulturallyThe city is culturally rich, with a vibrant arts scene.
ProfissionalmenteProfessionallyThe lawyer handled the case professionally and diligently.
CorretamenteCorrectlyTo solve the equation, you need to follow the steps correctly.

“ÊNCIA” = “CE”

Aqui estão 40 palavras terminadas em “ÊNCIA” e suas respectivas traduções em inglês, juntamente com um exemplo de uso em inglês:

Palavra em portuguêsPalavra em inglêsExemplo em inglês
EssênciaEssenceThe essence of the dish lies in the combination of spices.
InfluênciaInfluenceHer words had a significant influence on the audience.
InconveniênciaInconvenienceThe flight delay caused a great inconvenience for the passengers.
ConveniênciaConvenienceThe hotel’s location offers great convenience for tourists.
InteligênciaIntelligenceHe was known for his high intelligence and problem-solving skills.
ObediênciaObedienceDogs are known for their loyalty and obedience to their owners.
CompetênciaCompetenceThe candidate’s competence was evident through their past achievements.
PaciênciaPatienceTeaching requires patience and understanding.
CoerênciaCoherenceThe professor emphasized the importance of coherence in academic writing.
FrequênciaFrequencyThe radio station broadcasts at a frequency of 92.5 MHz.
ExistênciaExistenceThe philosopher contemplated the meaning of existence.
IndependênciaIndependenceThe country fought for its independence from colonial rule.
ConsciênciaConsciousnessMeditation helps to achieve a state of heightened consciousness.
AparênciaAppearanceShe takes great care of her appearance before going out.
AbundânciaAbundanceThe garden was filled with an abundance of colorful flowers.
CarênciaLackThe child’s behavior suggested a lack of attention at home.
DecadênciaDeclineThe empire experienced a period of decline and decadence.
ExperiênciaExperienceTraveling provides valuable experiences and broadens one’s perspective.
InfluênciaInfluenceThe book had a profound influence on her thinking.
EvidênciaEvidenceThe detective collected enough evidence to solve the case.
PotênciaPowerThe engine has a maximum power output of 250 horsepower.
DiferençaDifferenceThere is a noticeable difference between the two products.
AdvertênciaWarningThe sign displayed a warning about the hazardous road conditions.
AparênciaLooksShe takes pride in her looks and always dresses stylishly.
InocênciaInnocenceThe child’s innocence was evident in the way they saw the world.
FrequênciaFrequencyThe frequency of earthquakes in the region has increased in recent years.
CoexistênciaCoexistenceThe peaceful coexistence of different cultures is celebrated in this multicultural city.
PreferênciaPreferenceHer preference for classical music was evident in her extensive collection of records.
TransparênciaTransparencyThe company aims to promote transparency in its operations.
ConcorrênciaCompetitionThe market is highly competitive, with many companies vying for customers.
AparênciaAppearanceShe always pays attention to her appearance when going out.
RelevânciaRelevanceThe topic discussed in the lecture has great relevance to the current economic situation.
EssênciaCEssenceThe essence of the business is to provide exceptional customer service.
UrgênciaUrgencyThe situation required immediate attention due to its urgency.
ConsistênciaConsistencyThe team’s success can be attributed to their consistency in performance.
CompetênciaCompetencyThe job requires a high level of competency in computer programming.
FrequênciaFrequencyThe heart rate increased during exercise.
DecadênciaDecayThe old building showed signs of decay and neglect.
ConsciênciaAwarenessEnvironmental awareness has grown in recent years.
TendênciaTendencyFashion trends come and go, but style is timeless.
InocênciaNaivetyHer naivety made her an easy target for scams.
RelevânciaImportanceThe relevance of the research findings cannot be overstated.
DependênciaDependencyDrug addiction is a form of dependency that requires treatment.
PreferênciaPreferenceHis preference for action movies was clear from his DVD collection.
TransparênciaTransparencyThe government promised transparency in its decision-making process.
ObediênciaObedienceObedience to traffic laws is essential for road safety.
CoincidênciaCoincidenceIt was a mere coincidence that they bumped into each other at the airport.
TolerânciaToleranceThe community values tolerance and acceptance of different beliefs.
CarênciaShortageThere was a shortage of water due to the drought.
CoexistênciaCoexistenceThe peaceful coexistence of different religions is promoted in this country.

“AL” = “AL”

Aqui estão 20 palavras terminadas em “AL” em português, juntamente com suas traduções em inglês e exemplos de uso:

Palavra em portuguêsPalavra em inglêsExemplo em inglês
RuralRuralMany people enjoy the peacefulness of living in a rural area.
TotalTotalThe total cost of the project exceeded our budget.
MortalMortalThe disease can be fatal for those with weakened immune systems.
NaturalNaturalThe natural beauty of the beach attracts tourists from around the world.
LocalLocalLet’s support local businesses and help our community thrive.
CulturalCulturalThe museum showcases the cultural heritage of the region.
SocialSocialSocial media platforms have revolutionized the way we communicate.
FormalFormalThe event requires a formal dress code.
MoralMoralTeaching moral values is essential for a child’s development.
PersonalPersonalEach person has their own personal preferences and interests.
NaturalNaturalThe natural environment must be protected for future generations.
LegalLegalIt’s important to seek legal advice before signing any contracts.
ProfessionalProfessionalShe is a highly skilled professional in her field.
CulturalCulturalThe city’s cultural events attract visitors from all over the world.
MusicalMusicalThe orchestra performed a beautiful musical composition.
CentralCentralThe central location of the hotel makes it convenient for travelers.
IndustrialIndustrialThe city’s economy relies heavily on industrial production.
SocialSocialThe social dynamics of the group changed after a new member joined.
CommercialCommercialThe commercial district is filled with shops and businesses.
RegionalRegionalThe regional government is responsible for overseeing local policies.

I really hope this helps you.

Image by vvstudio on Freepik