10 Business English Phrases You Should Use in Meetings today.

If you find it challenging to speak up in meetings, try these ideas to boost your confidence.

Duration: 50 minutes.

Let’s take a look at today’s lesson

The lesson looks at business English phrases.
10 phrases that can help you become better at talking during meetings.

Lesson Key: (L) = Listening (U) = Understanding. (R) = Reading.

10 Business English Phrases You Should Use in Meetings.

In the world of business, having good communication in meetings is really important. It’s like a special recipe for success. When you use the right words, it shows you’re professional, and it makes sure that what you want to say is easy for others to understand.

Now, let’s have a closer look at ten important phrases in business English. These phrases can help you become better at talking during meetings.

Cut corners.

The new filing system won’t work if we cut corners.
“To cut corners” is to do something without paying attention to details.

Back to the drawing board.

The client hated your proposal so we’ll have to go back to the drawing board.
To go “back to the drawing board” means to start again from the beginning with a completely new idea.


I am having some workflow issues and won’t be able to help you until next week.
Workflow refers to the pace that an employee is set tasks and expected to complete them by. 

Let’s Touch base.

If you could just touch base with Jane after the meeting, that would be great. 
To “touch base” usually described keeping someone up-to-date with developments on something you are both working on. 

Call it a day.

The trial hasn’t worked, I’m afraid we’re going to have to call it a day
To “call it a day” means that you are giving up on something. This can refer to taking a break on a project as you have reached a point to stop.

Drill down into.

I think we can drill down into this further when we meet with the Product team. 
To “drill down into” something is to explore it in more depth. 

Cut to the chase.

Let’s cut to the chase: are you going to finish the report on time, or not? 
To “cut to the chase” means to “get to the point without wasting time.

on the same wavelength.

“After our brainstorming session, I believe we’re on the same wavelength regarding our goals for the upcoming quarter.”
This means: Having a shared understanding or perspective.

Keep me in the loop.

Keep me in the loop on decisions about the targets for the next quarter.
You can “keep someone in the loop” by informing them of what happens in meetings, and alerting them when decisions are made.

Close of play.

We’re going to need the report by close of play Wednesday. 
This is an English idiom which was taken from the world of sport. In cricket, “close of play” refers to the end of a day’s matches. In the office, it refers to the end of the working day.

The 10 phrases with English examples & Portuguese translations.

PhraseEnglish SentencePortuguese Sentence
Cut CornersThe builder tried to cut corners, but the quality suffered.Tentar economizar dinheiro, O construtor tentou cortar atalhos, mas a qualidade sofreu.
Back To The Drawing BoardThe prototype didn’t work, so it’s back to the drawing board.De volta à estaca zero, O protótipo não funcionou, então é voltar à prancheta.
WorkflowWe need to streamline our workflow to improve efficiency.Fluxo de trabalho, Precisamos otimizar nosso workflow para melhorar a eficiência.
Let’s Touch BaseLet’s touch base tomorrow to discuss the project.Vamos nos falar amanhã para discutir o projeto.
Call It A DayIt’s getting late; let’s call it a day and continue tomorrow.Encerrar o dia, Está ficando tarde; vamos encerrar o dia e continuar amanhã.
Drill Down IntoLet’s drill down into the details of the report.Aprofundar-se em, Vamos aprofundar-nos nos detalhes do relatório.
Cut To The ChaseLet’s cut to the chase and address the main issue.Ir direto ao assunto, Vamos direto ao assunto e abordar o principal problema.
On The Same WavelengthFortunately, we’re on the same wavelength regarding the project’s objectives.Na mesma página, Felizmente, estamos na mesma sintonia em relação aos objetivos do projeto.
Keep Me In The LoopPlease keep me in the loop about any developments.Manter-me informado, Por favor, mantenha-me informado sobre quaisquer desenvolvimentos.
Close Of PlayWe need to finalize the budget by close of play today.Fim do expediente, Precisamos finalizar o orçamento até o fim do expediente hoje.

Remember, using these phrases can make your communication in meetings better. It’s like having a toolbox with useful tools for different situations. So, the next time you’re in a meeting, try using these phrases to express yourself more effectively.

Useful Tips:

  1. Be Concise and Clear:
    • Tip: Keep your statements clear and to the point. Avoid unnecessary details that may distract from the main discussion.
  2. Active Listening:
    • Tip: Pay attention to what others are saying. Acknowledge their points to demonstrate active engagement.
  3. Use Appropriate Body Language:
    • Tip: Maintain eye contact, sit up straight, and use gestures to convey confidence and attentiveness.
  4. Prepare Key Phrases in Advance:
    • Tip: Anticipate the topics of the meeting and have key phrases ready. This can help you articulate your thoughts more effectively.

Discussion Questions.

  1. Why is effective communication important in business meetings?
  2. Can you provide an example of using the phrase “Call it a day!” in a meeting context?
  3. How can active listening contribute to successful communication in meetings?
  4. Explain the meaning of the phrase “Cut corners.” in a business context.
  5. When would it be appropriate to use the phrase “Let’s touch base” in a meeting?
  6. What does it mean to be “on the same wavelength” with your colleagues in a business setting?
  7. Provide an example of when someone might suggest, “Back to the drawing board.” in a meeting.

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